Emergency recovery procedures initiated

If you’re seeing this, then all hope is not lost. The /v/GAs have been compromised and our information on the site, awards, nominees, gameplay, music, and trailers have been sabotaged.

Our team has gone to name the organization responsible for the event, a group named “Maudz Jahnnie”. Though the disaster is pretty much over, we still need to pick up the pieces.

The /v/GAs needs your help: In order to secure our assets and information that Maudz Jahnnie could not get their hands on, we’ve locked the door on ourselves and encrypted pretty much everything.

Normally, we’d know how to decrypt our own passwords but Maudz played foul and bricked our tools. So we’re asking for outside help, that’s you.

Our field agents, Vee, Gee, and Ayy left some important intel lying around the website. We were only smart enough to take a crack at one to get us started.

Vee, Gee, and Ayy hid passwords to the encryptions using videos and images from the spy games we had them marathon over the year. I’ve heard from our intel team that the nominee voting page has something to do with the images tied to the videos, but I haven't discovered how yet….

Use the information available and the intel you can pull from the voting pages to find out what those passwords are.

System Log

Mounting system drive...            [ FAIL ]
Decryption password is incorrect.
Loading recovery environment...     [  OK  ]

> mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt/vga2020backup
Mount successful.

> ls -al /mnt/vga2020backup
drwxr-xr-x+ root root 4.0K Jan  8 17:01 .
drwxr-xr-x+ root root 4.0K Jan  8 17:01 ..
?????????   ?    ?    ?    ?            12.jpg
?????????   ?    ?    ?    ?            12.mp4
?????????   ?    ?    ?    ?            33.jpg
?????????   ?    ?    ?    ?            33.mp4
?????????   ?    ?    ?    ?            90.jpg
?????????   ?    ?    ?    ?            90.mp4

Corruption detected in /mnt/vga2020backup.

> fsck -y /dev/fd0
Detected 6 files in need of repair.
Repairing file 1/6 [12.mp4]... repaired.
Repairing file 2/6 [33.mp4]... repaired.
Repairing file 3/6 [90.mp4]... repaired.
Repairing file 4/6 [33.jpg]... repaired.
Repairing file 5/6 [12.jpg]... repaired.
Repairing file 6/6 [90.jpg]... repaired.
Repair complete. Filesystem /dev/fd0 is now clean.


Backup Volume Contents

12.mp4 (2.3 MB)

33.mp4 (2.1 MB)

90.mp4 (1.9 MB)

33.jpg (672 KB)

12.jpg (392 KB)

90.jpg (281 KB)

Encryption codes found:          14
    Code #1:  0-4-5-1 granted
    Code #2:  0-0-7-1 granted
    Code #3:  8-6-5-7 granted
    Code #4:  0-7-4-4-4-v-g-a-:-^-) error.
    Code #5:  7-e-t-t-e-r-f-i-x-t-h-i-s-e-x-p-l-o-i-t-3-4-3 errgranted
    Code #6:  2-0-2-1-M-a-u-d-z-W-I-N granted
    Code #7:  1-0-H-E-L-L-O :p
    Code #8:  G-O-O-D-B-Y-E-1-0 :a
    Code #9:  0-4-L-A-T-E-R :s
    Code #10:  1-4-S-A-L-V-A-T-I-O-N :d
    Code #11:  1-0-1-6 granted
    Code #12:  1-2-1-0 Granted
    Code #13:  0-4-2-2 GRANTED
    Code #14:  1-4-7-8 GRANTED!

Layers of encryption remaining:  0

> reboot -t now
Rebooting system...

Importing encryption passwords...   [  OK  ]
Mounting system drive...            [  OK  ]
Connecting to database vga2020...   [  OK  ]
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All systems online. Welcome home.